jessica wee



제시카 위

@White Columns

LATITUDE Gallery is honored to introduce our second group show of the year - Three-legged Crows. Opening on Apr 8th, 2022, this show will be on view throughout this month in New York in celebration of the prolific incoming season and the flourishing minds of young talents’ after the long hibernation the city has undergone. The corresponding online exhibition on Artsy will close at the end of April.

The exhibition’s curatorial team started envisioning the show starting at the beginning of the year in the hope to invite the colorful spring to Manhattan Chinatown. The fluctuating temperature and Omicrons stalled their efforts by a few months. The fractious planning of the show echoes the prolonged struggles and turbulences we have all experienced in the past winter yet also promises a semblance of resurrections.

The three-legged crows are mythological creatures in multiple Eastern Asian mythologies. Chineses believe that there are ten of them and that they are the wheeler of the ten suns in the sky - symbols of revivals and undying strength. Echoing the name, the show accumulates a few of the most vibrant and thriving hues and imageries that were generated recently as resiliencies to the freezing winter and unfortunate pandemic. In response to the recent dreadful incidents that have happened in the Asian Communities in New York City, the show - Three-legged Crows - contains a mix of poetry and politics in the works on view which all point to a booming vitality of minds.

Three-legged Crows collects ten main pieces of artists ranging from some of the oldest friends of the gallery to some new companionship we built along the way. Employing Three-legged Crows as a thread, LATITUDE presents you a string-up growth path of our community and hopes to nest in the city for our community in keeping with the unpredictable times.

Hanji 003
12 x 14 inches
Oil on mulberry paper, canvas

Hanji 002
12 x 14 inches
Oil on mulberry paper, canvas

Hanji 001
12 x 14 inches
Oil on mulberry paper, canvas

Hanji 004
12 x 14 inches
Oil on mulberry paper, canvas